Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shadowrun down to four days

The Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter is down to only four more days.  They have gotten their funding (and then some).  During this writing they are at $1,451,513.  Watching both the Wasteland and Doublefine kickstarters I noticed that they gained during the last day or so.  I could really see them doing the same and getting past 2 million.

If  you don't know what Shadowrun is or the return of it is I will give a little background.  Shadowrun started out as a pen and paper RPG and then later was made into a fun RPG for both the Sega Genesis and SNES.  Later a FPS was published by Microsoft that really was well not what at least many were hoping for.  We now have what could turn out to be a fun RPG.  Shadowrun is a kind of cyberpunk futurisic setting also with magic.

Shadowrun - Harebrained Schemes (Kickstarter)
Shadowrun - Harebrained Schemes (Homepage)

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