Monday, May 14, 2012

Lucid Dreaming with Remee

Ever want to take control of your dreams?  Well now you can or now you can for a cheaper price then competing models.  I remember them coming out with these masks before and they were always a few hundred dollars.  For only $80 you can get one for yourself and see if it does or does not work.  Lucid Dreaming can be hard to do and the idea behind this device is it will blink red lights to let you know that you are ready to have some fun!  I found it interesting that everyone in the video wants to fly.  I am sure others want to do a few various things other then flying.  Perhaps people don't want to admit what they really want to do in a dream?

Remee - Kickstarter

Bitbanger Labs - Creator

Jane Janeson's Moebius

If you have ever played the Gabriel Knight games then you have heard or have at least played a game created by Jane Jansen.  She is creating a new gaming system called Community Supported Gaming (CSG).  It is based on Community Supported Farming.  It's an interesting idea and we will have to see how it transforms and works.  Being that the Gabriel Knight games were one of my favorite I am looking forward to getting some new stories/games from her.

Jane Jansen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio - Kickstarter

Pinkerton Road - Homepage

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SpaceVenture - Two Guys From Andromeda (Creators of Space Quest)

I am excited about this one as Space Quest was a wonderful series.  I had heard that they would be making this and I guess this also decided to go the KickStarter route.  They have over $17,000 as of this writing and they are asking for $500,000.  I do hope they make it.  Reading through their page I also noticed they are getting Gary Owens as the narrator (Same as in Space Quest 4 and 6).  Lets hope they make as great as a game as the classic Space Quest series.

Two Guys SpaceVenture - Kickstarter

Two Guys from Andromeda - Offical Site

First to reach over $10,000,000? - Pebble Watch

It appears Kickstarter will have it's first to reach over $10,000,000.  It just over 9 million right now with 10 days to go so it looks pretty likely.  It is the Pebble e-paper watch that you can connect to your iPhone or Android and can use apps and change the face.  I can't say I really want or need one but for some it seems like a must but.  Of course they are hitting the larger numbers as the lowest available pledge is $115.  When compared to Doublefine whose lowest pledge was $15.  Of course you could pledge $2.50 and not receive anything.  Should be interesting to see what they end up with.

Pebble Watch - Kickstarter

Pebble - Homepage