Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First to reach over $10,000,000? - Pebble Watch

It appears Kickstarter will have it's first to reach over $10,000,000.  It just over 9 million right now with 10 days to go so it looks pretty likely.  It is the Pebble e-paper watch that you can connect to your iPhone or Android and can use apps and change the face.  I can't say I really want or need one but for some it seems like a must but.  Of course they are hitting the larger numbers as the lowest available pledge is $115.  When compared to Doublefine whose lowest pledge was $15.  Of course you could pledge $2.50 and not receive anything.  Should be interesting to see what they end up with.

Pebble Watch - Kickstarter

Pebble - Homepage

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